Current Status: In Progress

By now you may have seen our YouTube video announcing our Coddiwomple to the world, if not go check it out!  A lot has happened since our last blog.  In our last post, What I Learned from a Lemons Race Car: Dealing with Disappointment, Part 1, I was reflecting on the process of buying our new home and how I reacted to the seeming lack of progress.  And then, as things tend to happen, the “perfect for us” RV popped up for sale 40 miles away in Port Orchard.


Now that we have our RV, Odessa, we have quickly gained momentum, and a journey we believed would begin in early spring in now looking more like it will begin with the New Year.  Ian has already put in for his last day of work, September 30, and I will continue working until we sell Gemini Starship (our current home, for those of you who haven’t had the pleasure of visiting our beautiful home).  We have spoken with a real estate agent, and she feels good about us trying to sell late in fall, as houses start coming off the market when kids go back to school and the holidays start approaching.  We can’t jump too far ahead though, because there is a LOT of stuff that needs to be done before we can even think about putting the house on the market.

We have so much stuff.  Stuff that we have not touched in ages, some stuff that will be hard to part with, but we just can’t take with us. That beast up there, the 34-foot long thing that looks enormous in our driveway?!  That’s under 300 square feet of living space.  For the two of us, a Brewer, and hopefully a Monster cat (more on that later).  That’s 20% of our current home, but then add a 1100 square foot garage, a shed, and half an acre of yard…  Yeah, we have some work to do!

Ian has begun selling off our stuff- Chris came over and “shopped” and then a week later came with cash and took away what he and Lara wanted.  When I cam home on Friday night after working at Downpour, our lawn chairs were set up in the living room with TV trays, as he had sold our couches and dining room table.  We have decided to host a BBQ and have our friends over to buy any of our stuff they may want before we start posting it on Craigslist.  That way we get to spend some time with our friends and answer questions they have.

For now we will continue doing what we can around the house in our free time, but come October 1 Ian will be working full-time on Memory Millionaires.  Ian quitting his job at the shipyard will allow us to get the house ready for sale much sooner than we would be able to if we were both working.  While we are eager to start our trip, we have no need to rush things too much, so we can be fully prepared when we depart.  Progress continues!

One thought on “Current Status: In Progress

  1. Linda says:

    It will be hard see you two leave on your adventure but I am so excited for you! I like so many other people will miss you terribly. I know that you’re always close to my heart but it’s been nice that you’ve only been an hour way for what seems like forever. Good for you for taking charge of your lives and doing something so amazing that most people only dream about . Much love to you dearest Megan and Ian and prayers for the most amazing Adventures ever. Mom


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